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Task 4 - Multimedia and Creativity


Multimedia is when there is a wide range of media platforms which are evident to be helpful in a classroom environment (Butcher, 2014). These include, audio, animation, zoom, stop motion, and many more. These different platforms are crucial in a classroom environment as they all show evidence of creativity which allows students to be more flexible in their learning. When having a flexible learning environment, it gives students the ability to feel connected with their studies which leads to student engagement.

Stop motion is an example of a multimedia platform that allows individuals to create an animation by manipulating the objects to make a short film. In terms of other technology platforms, stop motion is considered one of the most easiest technology to navigate (Bradley, 2015). This is beneficial for students as students will feel more engaged when knowing how to use the technology.

This video was taken during tutorial class.


According to the Australian Creative Arts Curriculum version 8.4 which is based on numerous areas such as visual arts, drama, dance, music, and many more (ACRA, 2017). It is important for schools to support their students to feel creative and use their arts across all subjects (Abidin & Maaruf, 2016).

There many different ways that stop motion creates creativity. The first reason of using stop motion in a classroom environment is that it gives students the opportunity to feel challenged as it takes time for students to be able to learn the different techniques and how to approach them. By getting students to be more free with their learning and getting them to experiment with stop motion, it fosters a creative classroom learning environment which is really important for students and teachers. An example of using stop motion in a classroom is that students can make a short film for a Maths class. It is a great tool to have fun when learning about a new topic. For example, using stop motion, teachers can make a short film about unit blocks and introduce the topic. This will get the students to feel more engaged which will make them more enthusiastic towards their learning.

This video is an example of how to use stop motion in a classroom.


The limitations of using this technology is that every student will need an iPad to take photos or videos and not a lot of schools are able to use their funds. There is also the issue that it might take time for students to adjust with the technology which might take up a lot of valuable lesson times.


Abidin, H. A. Z., & Maaruf, S. Z. (2016). Interactive visual art education pedagogical

module: typography in visual communication. In Envisioning the Future of Online

Learning: Selected Papers from the International Conference on e-Learning 2015 (pp.

171-182). Springer Singapore.

ACARA. (2017). The arts.

Bradley, P. (2015). Social media for creative libraries. Facet Publishing.

Butcher, K. R. (2014). The multimedia principle.

Math Cubes Stop Motion animation. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from

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1 Comment

Lachlan Shanks
Lachlan Shanks
Apr 10, 2023

Hi Mariam,

Good work with this post. I loved the StopMotion you implemented into this blog, great work!

It would have been great to see some links to curriculum outcomes to help add more support for your arguments. I also would have been interested to hear any ideas on how to get past the limitations you presented. Perhaps including some form of digital literacy support so that students are more technologically able to engage with the content.

Nonetheless, great job!

Lachlan S.

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